MSLC Gets a New Director and a New Name
Sloan Zak takes over as director of the Math and Science Learning Center, formerly called the Math and Stats Learning Center
Sloan Zak takes over as director of the Math and Science Learning Center, formerly called the Math and Stats Learning Center
Six SDSU faculty members were selected, including Uduak George from the College of Sciences
SDSU applied mathematician receives NSF grant to understand the processes that create structure of breast tissue, lungs, kidneys.
SDSU’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics and the Nepali government are researching the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases.
With support from a grant, SDSU’s Viral Information Institute is exploring theories on whether some viruses pop up spontaneously.
Two project proposals led by College of Sciences professors were recently selected as finalists for SDSU President Adela de la Torre’s Big Ideas initiative. These interdisciplinary teams aim to solve society’s toughest challenges.