Aug 21, 2020 | Mathematics and Statistics, –Archives
Senior Dewayani Windy, an applied math major, used computational simulations to study how lung tissue grows and branches out to form airways. She learned to use math equations to describe complex biological processes.
Aug 13, 2020 | Biology, –Archives
“Many of our patients have so little time, so speed is of the essence and this protocol would really make a difference, since one run can produce enough doses to treat a patient for months.”
Jul 31, 2020 | Psychology, –Archives
Neuroscientist Martin Sereno, director of the SDSU MRI Imaging Center, and his collaborators discovered the cerebellum is much larger than previously understood, enabling future advances in research.
Jul 21, 2020 | Biology, –Archives
In nature, how quickly a creature moves can mean the difference between life and death. Venomous rattlesnakes defend themselves by uncoiling and striking out when faced with predators or prey.
Jul 17, 2020 | Biology, –Archives
A DoD grant will help SDSU’s Gregory Holland further explore spider silk and its possible application toward incredibly tough biomaterials.
Jul 1, 2020 | Biology, –Archives
New research from San Diego State University finds that water from spring snowmelt infiltrates the soil and triggers fresh carbon dioxide production at higher rates than previously assumed.