Dec 1, 2017 | Geological Sciences, News, Students, Theses, –Archives
Developing Stochastic Models as Inputs for High-Frequency Ground Motion Simulations Bill Savran PhD Candidate, Geophysics Wednesday, December 6th, 2017CSL 422 – 10 am Abstract High-frequency (~10 Hz) deterministic ground motion simulations are challenged by our...
Nov 13, 2017 | Computer Science, News, –Archives
Pictured Above: 2017 SCC Team Pictured Above: 2016 SCC Team Each year, the SDSU Departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Computational Science participate in the renowned Supercomputing Conference Series by attending workshops, submitting papers and...
Nov 13, 2017 | Geological Sciences, News, Seminars, –Archives
OSL Ages and Formation Mechanisms of a Major Coastal Dunefield, the Cooloola Sand Mass, Southeaster Queensland, Australia Dan EllertonUniversity of Queensland, AustraliaWednesday, November 15th, 2017CSL 422 – 1pm AbstractThe Cooloola Sand Mass is a large (~260...
Nov 7, 2017 | Astronomy, News, Uncategorized, –Archives
Michael BareianGraduate Research AssistantEmail: mbareian20[at]yahoo.comResearch Interests: Galaxy Formation and EvolutionThesis Advisor: Dr. Kate RubinHobbies: Basketball, Video Games Mike EngesserTeaching AssociateEmail:...
Nov 7, 2017 | Mathematics and Statistics, News, Students
LUDWIG SIEGERT I finished my undergraduate studies in mathematics and management at the University of Ulm in Germany and continued with a master’s degree in the same area of studies. I appreciate the opportunity to continue my studies at SDSU in the next year....