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Court Turner returns to SDSU to teach “From Invention to Patient” course

Court Turner returns to SDSU to teach “From Invention to Patient” course


“The first day in class I asked, ‘How many of you think you could be a CEO?’ Nobody raised their hand. I bet if I asked them now, 90% of the class would say, ‘Yes, I could do it.’”

San Diego State University alumnus Court Turner (‘96) returned to campus this fall, applying his nearly 30 years of biotech experience to teach an innovative new course, From Invention to Patient (BIOL/CHEM 596). 

A lawyer, businessman, venture capitalist, psychology grad and now teacher, Turner shows students the wide world of opportunity STEM degrees offer beyond traditional routes in medicine, academia and research.

Head to SDSU NewsCenter to learn about his professional journey and how he inspires students to follow the right career paths for themselves.

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