Jeff T. Roberts, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Phone: 619.594.5142
San Diego State University
College of Sciences GMCS 604-G
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-1010
College of Sciences GMCS 604-G
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-1010
B.S., University of California, Berkeley, Chemistry, 1982.
Ph.D., Harvard University, Chemistry, 1988.
Research Interests
Aerosol Chemistry
- Surface modification of aerosol nanoparticles for materials applications.
- Surface processing and chemistry of combustion particles.
- Aerosol-based methods for nanoparticle coating.
- Nanostructural Changes to Thermally Oxidized Natural Gas Soot. B. J. Winters, J. T. Roberts. For submission to Carbon.
- Plasmon Loss Peak Intensity in XPS Spectra as a Particle Size Diagnostic. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts, J. Thomas. For submission to Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.
- Thermal Processing of Size-Selected Silver Nanoparticles in the Aerosol State. C.-T. Chiang, J. T. Roberts. For submission to Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
- Assessing the Uptake of 1-Hexene on Gasborne Silver and Gold Nanoparticles. S. Onel, C. –T. Chiang, M. Seipenbusch, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Aerosol Science, under review.
- Photoionization of Nanosized Aerosol Gold Agglomerates and Their Deposition to Form Nanoscale Island Patterns. J. H. Byeon, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 2014, 30, 8770-8775.
- Photoassisted One-Step Aerosol Fabrication of Zwitterionic Chitosan Nanoparticles. J. H. Byeon, A. Kulkarni, H.-K. Kim, D. Thompson, J. T. Roberts. Biomacromolecules, 2014, 15, 2320-2325.
- Aerosol-Based Fabrication of Modified Chitosans and Their Application for Gene Transfection. J. H. Byeon, H.-K. Kim, D. Thompson, J. T. Roberts. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 4597-4602.
- Aerosol-Based Fabrication of Thiol-Capped Gold Nanoparticles and Their Application for Gene Transfection. J. H. Byeon, J. T. Roberts. Chemistry of Materials, 2012, 24, 3544-3549.
- Monodisperse Poly(lactide-co-glycolic acid)-Based Nanocarriers for Gene Transfection. J. H. Byeon, J. T. Roberts, H.-K. Kim. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2012, 33, 1840-1844.
- Aerosol-Based Fabrication of Biocompatible Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites. J. H. Byeon, J. T. Roberts. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4, 2693-2698.
- Silver Deposition on a Polymer Substrate Catalyzed by Singly Charged Monodisperse Copper Nanoparticles. J. H. Byeon, J. T. Roberts. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4, 2515-2120.
- Surface Functionalization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles: An Investigation in the Aerosol State. C-T. Chiang, J. T. Roberts. Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 5237-5242.
- Thermal Processing and Native Oxidation of Silicon Nanoparticles. B. J. Winters, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2011, 13, 5473-5484.
- Photo-Assisted Hydrosilylation of Silicon Nanoparticles: Dependence of Particle Size on Grafting Chemistry. S. Calder, A. Boies, P. Lei, S. Girshick, J. Roberts. Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 2917-2921.
- Modifying the Composition of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon Nanoparticles Synthesized in a Non-Thermal RF Plasma. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 2010, 28, 161-169.
- SiO2 Coating of Silver Nanoparticles by Photoinduced Chemical Vapor Deposition. A. M. Boies, J. T. Roberts, S. L. Girshick. Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 295604/1-295604/8.
- Sintering, Coalescence, and Compositional Changes of Hydrogen-Teminated Silicon Nanoparticles as a Function of Temperature. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 15955-15963.
- Thermally Induced Hydrosilylation at Deuterium-Terminated Silicon Nanoparticles: An Investigation of the Radical Chain Propagation Mechanism. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 2009, 25, 7050-7056.
- Growth of Coatings on Nanoparticles by Photoinduced Chemical Vapor Deposition. B. Zhang, S. L. Girshick, Y.-C. Liao, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2008, 10, 173-178.
- Group Additivity Values for DfH° (298 K), S° (298 K), and Cp° (T) (300 < T/K < 1500) of Gaseous Fluorocarbons. M. K. Van Otterloo, S. L. Girshick, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2007, 39, 1418-1422.
- Thermal Oxidation of 6 nm Aerosolized Silicon Nanoparticles: Mobility Diameter and Surface Chemistry Changes. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 2007, 23, 11212-11214.
- Surface Chemistry of Aerosolized Silicon Nanoparticles: Evolution and Desorption of Hydrogen from 6 nm Diameter Particles. J. Holm, J. T. Roberts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007, 129, 2496-2503.
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of Zirconium Oxide on Aerosolized Silicon Nanoparticles. A. M. Nienow, J. T. Roberts. Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 5571-5577.
- Self-Assembly of Organic Monolayers on Aerosolized Silicon Nanoparticles. Y.-2C. Liao and J. T. Roberts. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, 128, 9061-9065.
- Surface Chemistry of Aerosolized Nanoparticles: Thermal Oxidation of Silicon. Y.-C. Liao, A. M. Nienow, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2006, 110, 6190-6197.
- Surface Processing of Aerosolized Soot Nanoparticles. H. M. Ajo, J. T. Roberts. Extended Abstracts Presented at the ACS National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, 2005, 45, 363-367.
- Surface Chemistry of Nanometer-Sized Aerosol Particles: Reactions of Molecular Oxygen with 30 nm Soot Particles as a Function of Oxygen Pressure. A. Nienow, J. T. Roberts, M. Zachariah, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109, 5561-5568.
- Combinatorial CVD of Zirconium, Hafnium, and Tin Dioxide Mixtures for Applications as High-k Materials. B. Xia, F. Chen, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemistry of Materials, 2004, 10, 195-200.
- CVD of TixSi1-xO2 Fiilms: Precursor Chemistry Impacts Film Composition. R. C. Smith, N. Hoilien, C. Dykstra, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 9, 79-86.
- Combinatorial CVD: Compositional Spread of Metal Dioxides Using Anhydrous Metal Nitrate Precursors. R. C. Smith, N. Hoilien, J. T. Roberts, S. A. Campbell, W. L. Gladfelter. Proceedings of the 10th International Ceramics Congress, 2002, Part C, 2003, 27-35.
- Balancing Reactor Fluid Dynamics and Deposition Kinetics to Achieve Compositional Variation in Combinatorial Chemical Vapor Depositions of ZrO2, HfO2 and SnO2. W. L. Gladfelter, B. Xia, C. Fang, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts. Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society, 2003, 8, 829-838.
- Kinetics of Diesel Particle Oxidation: A Tandem DMA Study. K. J. Higgins, H. Jung, D. B. Kittelson, J. T. Roberts, M. R. Zachariah. Environmental Science and Technology, 2003, 37, 1949-1954.
- Surface Chemistry of Environmental Nano-Aerosol Particles. J. T. Roberts, A. Wensmann, M. Zachariah, K. Higgins. Extended Abstracts Presented at the ACS National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Division of Environmental Chemistry, 2003, 43, 886-891.
- Combinatorial Chemical Vapor Deposition: Achieving Compositional Spreads of Titanium, Tin and Hafnium Oxides by Balancing Reactor Fluid Dynamics and Deposition Kinetics. R. C. Smith, N. Hoilien, J. Chien, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 15, 292-298.
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of Titania / Silica Stacked Films. W. L. Gladfelter, R. C. Smith, D. Burleson, C. J. Taylor, J. Roberts, S. A. Campbell, N. Hoilien, M. Tiner, R. Hegde, C. Hobbs. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Gate Stack and Silicide Issues in Silicon Processing II), 2002, K4.1/1-K4.1/10.
- Surface Chemistry of TiCl4 on Clean and Hydrogen Modified W(110): Identification of Surface Intermediates. A. Sandell, M.P. Andersson, A. J. Jaworowski, J. T. Roberts, P. Uvdal. Surface Science, 2002, 521, 129-138.
- Adsorption and Reaction of Zirconium (IV) Nitrate on Polycrystalline Zirconia: The Decomposition Mechanism and Its Relevance to Chemical Vapor Deposition. D. R. Burleson, W. L. Gladfelter, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2002, 149, F131-F138.
- Combinatorial Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal Dioxides using Anhydrous Metal Nitrates. R. C. Smith, N. Hoilien, J. Roberts, S. A. Campbell, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemistry of Materials, 2002, 14, 474-476.
- A Study of CVD Growth Kinetics and Film Microstructure of Zirconium Dioxide from Zirconium tetra-tert-Butoxide. D. J. Burleson, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter, S. A. Campbell. Chemistry of Materials, 2002, 14, 1269-1276.
- Size-Selected Nanoparticle Chemistry: Kinetics of Soot Oxidation. K. J. Higgins, H. Jung, D. B. Kittelson, J. T. Roberts, M. R. Zachariah. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2002, 106, 96-103.
- Low-Oxygen Nitride Layers Produced by UHV Ammonia Nitridation of Silicon. M. A. Shriver, T. K. Higman, S. A. Campbell, C. J. Taylor, J. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Gate Stack and Silicide Issues in Silicon Processing), 2001, C2.8.1-C2.8.5-151.
- Amorphous Mixed TiO2 and SiO2 Films on Si(100) by Chemical Vapor Deposition. R. C. Smith, C. J. Taylor, J. Roberts, M. Hoilien, S. A. Campbell, W. L. Gladfelter. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Gate Stack and Silicide Issues in Silicon Processing), 2001, C4.4.1-C4.4.6.
- Heterogeneous Interactions of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons with Laboratory Surrogates for Tropospheric Sulfate. R. R. Michelsen, J. L. Duncan, J. T. Roberts. Extended Abstracts Presented at the ACS National Meeting, Division of Environmental Chemistry, 2001, 41, 1233-1236.
- Zirconium Oxide CVD on Si(100) from Zirconium (IV) tert-Butoxide and Zirconium (IV) Nitrate: Growth Kinetics and Film Microstructure. D. Burleson, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter, S. A. Campbell, R. C. Smith. Ryan C. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (Fundamental Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry of Vapor-Phase Deposition II), 2001, 13, 144-151.
- An Ab Initio Electronic Structure Study of Methyl Adsorption and Reaction on Cluster Models for the Diamond Surface. R. C. Brown, C. J. Cramer, J. T. Roberts. Diamond and Related Materials, 2001, 10, 39-47.
- Observation of Precursor Control over Film Stoichiometry During the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Amorphous TixSi1-xO2 Films. R. C. Smith, C. J. Taylor, J. Roberts, S. A. Campbell, M. Tiner, R. Hegde, C. Hobbs, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemistry of Materials, 2000, 12, 2822-2824.
- Low Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition of ZrO2 on Si(100) Using Anhydrous Zirconium(IV) Nitrate. R. C. Smith, N. Hoilien, C. J. Taylor, T. Ma, S. A. Campbell, J. T. Roberts, M. Copel, D. A. Buchanan, M. Gribelyuk, W. L. Gladfelter. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2000, 147, 3472-3476.
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of the Oxides of Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium for Use as High-k Materials in Microelectronic Devices. A Carbon-Free Precursor for the Synthesis of Hafnium Dioxide. R. C. Smith, T. Ma, N. Hoilien, L. Y. Tsung, M. J. Bevan, L. Colombo, J. Roberts, S. A. Campbell, W. L. Gladfelter. Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 2000, 10, 105-114.
- Chemical Reactions of Organic Molecules Adsorbed at Ice 2: Chloride Substitution in 2-Methyl-2-Propanol. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 2000, 16, 3244-3248.
- Chemical Reactions of Organic Molecules Adsorbed at Ice 1: Chlorine Addition to Propene. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2000, 104, 978-992.
- Microstructure Evolution in Diamond CVD: Computer Simulations of 111 Surface Site Formation on a Growing Diamond-100 Surface. R. C. Brown, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2000, 104, 8420-8429.
- A Tale of Two Precursors: UHV-CVD of TiO2 from Titanium Nitrate and Titanium Isopropoxide. W. L. Gladfelter, C. J. Taylor, D. C. Gilmer, D. G. Colombo, G. D. Wilk, S. A. Campbell, J. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1999, 567, 349-354.
- Chemistry at and Near the Surface of Liquid Sulfuric Acid: A Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Mechanistic Analysis of Heterogeneous Reactions of Acetone. J. L. Duncan, L. R. Schindler, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 1999, 103, 7247-7259.
- Interaction of Acetonitrile with the Surfaces of Amorphous and Crystalline Ice. J. E. Schaff, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 1999, 15, 7232-7237.
- Adsorbed states of Acetonitrile and Chloroform on Amorphous and Crystalline Ice Studied with X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. J. E. Schaff, J. T. Roberts. Surface Science, 1999, 426, 384-394.
- A Model for Simulating the Development of Morphology During Diamond CVD. R. C. Brown, J. T. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1999, 98-23, 383-387.
- Titanium Oxide CVD from Titanium (IV) Nitrate and Titanium (IV) Isopropoxide: Growth Kinetics, Film Morphology, and Precursor Specific Effects. C. J. Taylor, D. Gilmer, W. L. Gladfelter, S. Campbell, J. T. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1999, 98-23, 394-399.
- Does Chemistry Really Matter in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of Titanium Dioxide? Precursor and Kinetic Effects on the Microstructure of Polycrystalline Films. C. J. Taylor, D. Gilmer, D. Colombo, S. Campbell, J. T. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1999, 121, 5220–5229.
- Chemistry at the Surfaces of Ice and Sulfuric Acid: Toward an Understanding of Adsorption at Molecular Solids. J. T. Roberts. Accounts of Chemical Research, 1998, 31, 415-421.
- Low Temperature CVD of Crystalline Titanium Dioxide Films Using Tetranitratotitanium(IV). D. C. Gilmer, D. G. Colombo, C. J. Taylor, J. Roberts, G. Haugstad, S. A. Campbell, H. S. Kim, G. D. Wilk, M. A. Gribelyuk, W. L. Gladfelter. Chemical Vapor Deposition, 1998, 4, 9-11.
- A New sulfate Mediated Reaction: Conversion of Acetone to Trimethylbenzene in the Presence of Liquid Sulfuric Acid. J. L. Duncan, L. R. Schindler, J. T. Roberts. Geophysical Research Letters, 1998, 25, 631-634.
- The Adsorption of Acetone on Thin Films of Amorphous and Crystalline Ice. J. E. Schaff, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 1998, 14, 1478-1486.
- Microstructure of Al Contacts on GaAs. I. Karpov, A. Franciosi, C. Taylor, J. Roberts, W. L. Gladfelter. Applied Physics Letters, 1997, 71, 3090-3092.
- An Ab Initio Study of Hydrogen Abstraction from Cluster Models for the Diamond Surface. R. C. Brown, C. J. Cramer, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1997, 101, 9574-9580.
- Blowing Hot and Cold: an Oscillating Surface Reaction. J. T. Roberts. Proceedings of the 1995 American Vacuum Society Symposium on Educational Outreach, (Patricia A. Thiel and David E. Fowler, Eds.) American Vacuum Society, New York, NY 1997.
- The Formation of HCl·6H2O from Ice and HCl under Ultrahigh Vacuum. J. Graham, J. T. Roberts. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 1997, 37, 139-148.
- Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aluminum from Dimethylaluminumhydride Dimethylethylamine (DMAH-DMEA) and Dimethylethylaminealane (DMEAA). C. Taylor, J. T. Roberts, W. Gladfelter, A. Franciosi. Advanced Metallization and Interconnect Systems for ULSI Applications, (R. Havermann, J. Schmitz, H. Komiyama, K. Tsubouchi, Eds.) Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA 1997, 111-115.
- Properties of Crystalline Sulfuric Acid in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Incongruent Melting to the Liquid Azeotrope and its Slow Recrystallization. L. R. Schindler, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 19582-19586.
- The 367 nm Photochemistry of OClO Thin Films and OClO Adsorbed on Ice. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts, L. D. Anderson, V. H. Grassian. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 19551-19558.
- Toward an Understanding of the Surface Chemical Properties of Ice: Differences between the Amorphous and Crystalline Surfaces. J. E. Schaff, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 14151-14160.
- Surface Chemistry of TiCl4 on W(100). W. Chen, J. T. Roberts. Surface Science, 1996, 359, 93-106.
- The Uptake of Chlorine Dioxide by Model PSC’s under Stratospheric Conditions. L. A. Brown, V. Vaida, D. R. Hanson, J. D. Graham, and J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 3121-3125.
- The Uptake of Chlorine Dioxide by Model Polar Stratospheric Cloud Surfaces: Ultrahigh Vacuum Studies. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts, L. Brown, V. Vaida. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996, 100, 3115-3120.
- The Growth and Characterization of Sulfuric Acid under Ultrahigh Vacuum. Elizabeth D. Guldan, L. R. Schindler, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1995, 99, 16059-16066.
- Ultrahigh Vacuum Studies of Ice and Sulfuric Acid Surfaces. J. T. Roberts. Proceedings of the 1995 SPIE Meeting on Laser Techniques for Surface Science II, 125-134.
- Mass Spectrometric Analysis of a Thermal Plasma Used for CVD of a Diamond Film. Peter G. Greuel, Douglas W. Ernie, J. T. Roberts. 12th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Proceedings Volume 4 (J. V. Heberlein, D. W. Ernie, and J. T. Roberts, Eds.) 1995, 2209-2214.
- Adsorption and Reaction of WF6 on W(100). W. Chen, J. T. Roberts. Surface Science, 1995, 324, 169-184.
- Interaction of Hydrogen Chloride with Crystalline and Amorphous Ice Films: Implications for the Mechanisms of Ice-Catalyzed Reactions. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts. Geophysical Research Letters, 1995, 22, 251-254.
- The Interaction of CCl4 with the Surface of Amorphous Ice. J. L. Blanchard, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 1994, 10, 3303-3310.
- Structure Sensitivity in the Surface Chemistry of Ice: Acetone Adsorption on Amorphous and Crystalline Ice Films. J. E. Schaff, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1994, 98, 6900-6902.
- Interaction of Hydrogen Chloride with an Ultrathin Ice Film: Observation of Adsorbed and Absorbed States. J. D. Graham, J. T. Roberts. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1994, 98, 5974-5983.
- Mass Spectroscopic Analysis of a High Pressure, Inductively Coupled Plasma During Diamond Film Growth. P. G. Greuel, H. J. Yoon, D. W. Ernie, J. T. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1994, 334, 141-146.
- Adsorption and Reaction of TiCl4 on W(100). W. Chen and J. T. Roberts. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1994, 334, 317-322.
- Temperature Programmed Desorption as a Probe for Adsorbate Structure: Desorption of a Mixed TiCl4, SiCl4, CCl4 Adlayer. W. Chen, J. T. Roberts. Surface Science, 1993, 298, L157-L162.
- The Rate-Limiting Step for Olefin Combustion on Silver: Experiment Compared to Theory. J. T. Roberts, R. J. Madix, W. W. Crew. Journal of Catalysis, 1993, 141, 300-307.
- The Coadsorption of Water and Molecular Oxygen on Ag(110): Evidence for Water Desorption via Dissociation-Induced Displacement. J. T. Roberts, R. J. Madix. Surface Science, 1992, 273, 121-128.
- Surface-Mediated Cycloaddition: 1,4-Addition of Atomically Adsorbed Oxygen to 1,3-Butadiene on Ag(110). J. T. Roberts, A. J. Capote, R. J. Madix. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991, 113, 9848-9851.
- Partial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons over a Model Silver Catalyst. Conversion of 1-Butene to Maleic Anhydride by Atomically Adsorbed Oxygen on Ag(110). J. T. Roberts, A. J. Capote, R. J. Madix. Surface Science, 1991, 253, 13-23.
- Reactions of Weak Organic Acids with Oxygen Atoms on Ag(110): Facile and Selective Conversion of Cyclohexene to Benzene. J. T. Roberts, R. J. Madix. Surface Science, 1990, 226, L71-L78.
- Adsorbate Thermodynamics as a Determinant of Reaction Mechanism. B. C. Wiegand, C. M. Friend, J. T. Roberts. Langmuir, 1989, 5, 1292-1298.
- Reactions of Molecularly Adsorbed Oxygen on Metals: Carbon Monoxide and Sulfur Dioxide Reactions with Oxygen on Ag(110). A. J. Capote, J. T. Roberts, R. J. Madix. Surface Science, 1989, 209, L151-L156.
- Epoxidation of Olefins on Silver: Conversion of Norbornene to Norbornene Oxide on Ag(110). J. T. Roberts, R. J. Madix, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1988, 110, 8540-8541.
- Deduction of Reaction Mechanisms for Surface Processes: Desulfurization of Organic Sulfides and Thiols on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Accounts of Chemical Research, 1988, 21, 394-400.
- Reactions of Ethanethiol on Mo(110): Formation and Decomposition of a Surface Alkyl Thiolate. J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1988, 92, 5205-5213.
- Desulfurization of Ethylene Sulfide on Mo(110). The Roles of Ring Size and Strain in Adsorbate Reaction Selectivity. J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Surface Science, 1988, 202, 405-432.
- Vibrational Studies of 1-Propanethiol on Mo(110). Spectroscopic Evidence for Low Temperature Thiolate Formation. J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Surface Science, 1988, 198, L321-L328.
- Spectroscopic Identification of Surface Phenyl Thiolate and Benzyne on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1988, 88, 7172-7180.
- Ring Size and Strain as a Control of Reaction Selectivity: Ethylene Sulfide on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987, 109, 7899-7900.
- Coadsorption as a Probe of Mechanism: Cyclic Sulfides and Straight Chain Thiols on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987, 109, 4423-4424.
- The Reactions of Thiophene on Mo(110) and Mo(110)-p(2´2)-S. J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Surface Science, 1987, 186, 201-218.
- Desulfurization of Saturated C3S Molecules on Mo(110): The Effect of Ring Strain. J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987, 109, 3872-3882.
- C-S Bond Activation on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 1987, 5, 660-661.
- Chemistry of Sulfur-Containing Heterocycles on Mo(110) and Sulfided Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Proceedings of American Chemical Society Symposium on Fundamental Chemistry of Promoters and Poisons in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Petroleum Division, American Chemical Society National Meeting, New York, NY, 1986.
- Model Hydrodesulfurization Reactions: Saturated C4S Molecules on Mo(110). J. T. Roberts, C. M. Friend. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1986, 108, 7204-7210.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for Aerosol Research, American Chemical Society
American Geophysical Union
American Vacuum Society
Council for Chemical Research
European Geophysical Union
Materials Research Society
Awards and Honors
Visiting Lecturer at Nihon University, Tokyo, September 2008
AAAS Fellow, 2008
Special Creativity Award, National Science Foundation, 2003
Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1996-1998
Humphrey Institute Policy Fellow, 1995-1996
Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award, 1990-1991