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Course Code Course Name Units GE Prerequisite Course Description
BIOL 100 General Biology 3 GE Concurrent registration in Biology 100L A beginning course in biology stressing processes common to living organisms. Not applicable to biological sciences majors; see Biology 203, 203L, 204, 204L. Not open after Biology 203 or 204.
BIOL 100L General Biology Laboratory 1 GE Credit or concurrent registration in Biology 100 A laboratory course in biology stressing processes common to living organisms. Not applicable to biological sciences majors; see Biology 203, 203L, 204, 204L. Not open after Biology 203L or 204L.
BIOL 101 World of Animals 3 GE Animal adaptation and diversity and their relationship to the development of evolutionary theory. Not applicable to biological sciences majors. Not open after Biology 203, 204.
BIOL 101L World of Animals Laboratory 1 GE Credit or concurrent registration in Biology 101 Laboratory course on evolution and diversity of animals involving field trips and laboratory investigations. Not applicable to biological sciences majors. Not open after Biology 203L, 204L.
BIOL 203 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology 3 Credit or concurrent registration in Chemistry 200 or 202 and satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement Principles of biology applying to all organisms, including basic biochemistry, cell structure, membrane transport, energy metabolism, cell division, classical and molecular genetics, gene expression, development, and recombinant DNA.
BIOL 203L Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 1 Credit or concurrent registration with a grade of C (2.0) or better in Biology 203 and satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement Laboratory experiences designed to demonstrate and reinforce concepts presented in lecture through active scientific investigation and experiences in observing, identifying, describing, and explaining evolution of cellular processes, and in applying laboratory methods and procedures relevant to molecular biology.
BIOL 204 Principles of Organismal Biology 3 Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement. Recommended: Completion of Biology 203 and 203L Principles of biology applying to all organisms, including systematics and diversity of bacteria, protista, fungi, plants and animals, and concepts of physiology, reproduction, development and differentiation, ecology and the causes of endangerment of a species.
BIOL 204L Principles of Organismal Biology Laboratory 1 Credit or concurrent registration with a grade of C (2.0) or better in Biology 204 and satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement. Recommended: Completion of Biology 203 and 203L Laboratory experiences demonstrate and reinforce concepts and descriptive information presented in lecture through active scientific investigation and experience in observing, identifying, and classifying life, in analyzing the structural features of life, and in evaluating their adaptive significance.
BIOL 211 Fundamentals of Microbiology 2 Biology 100 or 203 and 203L; or a grade of B (3.0) or better in high school biology. Credit or concurrent registration in Chemistry 100 or 102 or 130 Microorganisms of the environment, including disease-producing organisms, their actions and reactions. For nursing, nutrition, and kinesiology (prephysical therapy) majors. Not applicable to biological sciences majors; see Biology 350.
BIOL 211L Fundamentals of Microbiology Laboratory 2 Credit or concurrent registration with a grade of C (2.0) or better in Biology 211 Fundamentals of microbiology, including study of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and algae of environment, including disease-producing organisms, their actions and reactions.
BIOL 212 Human Anatomy 4 Grade of C (2.0) or better in Biology 100, 203, or 211 Gross and microscopic anatomy of organ system of human body.
BIOL 215 Biostatistics 3 GE Credit or concurrent registration in Biology 203, 203L or 204, 204L and Mathematics 124, 141, or 150 Methods and experience in defining and solving quantitative problems in biology, including design of experiments, and parametric and nonparametric statistical techniques. Students with credit or concurrent registration in the following lower division courses will be awarded a total of four units for the two (or more) courses: Biology 215; Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education 201; Civil Engineering 160; Economics 201; Political Science 201; Psychology 280; Sociology 201; Statistics 119, 250.
BIOL 246 Colloquium in Biomedical Sciences 1 University level biology course Current biomedical research projects ranging from cell biology to behavioral research. Research paper required. Maximum credit two units.
BIOL 247 Advanced Degree Programs in the Sciences: Application Strategies 1 Junior or senior standing Instruction in preparing competitive applications to sciences’ M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs to include development of the required personal statement. Introduction to sources of financial support, such as national fellowship programs, and development of interview skills and materials. Maximum credit one unit for any combination of Biology 247, 248, 249.
BIOL 248 Careers in Biological Sciences 1 Career opportunities in biological sciences. Specialists in major biological areas will present information about their fields and how best to prepare for careers. Maximum credit one unit for any combination of Biology 247, 248, 249.
BIOL 249 Career Choices in the Health Professions 1 Career opportunities in allied health professions; trends in health care; discussion of medical ethics; practicing professionals will present about their fields and how best to prepare for careers in their area of health care. Maximum credit one unit for any combination of Biology 247, 248, 249.
BIOL 250 Preprofessional Topics 1 Designed to expose the preprofessional student to the profession of his/her choice through speakers and selected readings. Emphasis on alternatives and meeting stresses as a preprofessional student. Maximum credit one unit for any combination of Biology 250A-250B-250C. A. Topics in Medicine. B. Topics in Dentistry. C. Topics in Veterinary Medicine.
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy Internship 2 Biology 212 and consent of instructor Interns will master the material from human anatomy, develop and teach study skills, and apply skill set for administering a laboratory course in human anatomy. Maximum credit four units.
BIOL 261 Human Physiology 4 Biology 212. Credit or concurrent registration in Chemistry 102 (or Chemistry 100 and credit or concurrent registration in Chemistry 130) Human function viewed from cellular through organ system levels of organization. Intended primarily for prenursing students. Not applicable to biological sciences majors. Not open to students with credit in Biology 336, 436, or 590.
BIOL 277 Medical Terminology 2 Biology 100 or 203 or 204 Words and word components used in medical and allied medical practice translated, investigated, and applied.
BIOL 291C Biostatistics Laboratory 1 Recommendation by department and consent of instructor Special laboratory course designed for biology majors with credit in a statistics course other than Biology 215.
BIOL 296 Experimental Topics 1 Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.
BIOL 299 Special Study 1 Individual research experience and interaction with researchers at an introductory level. Projects involve approximately 45 hours of laboratory or fieldwork per unit and a research report. Hours are flexible and arranged between the student and the researcher. Maximum credit four units.

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