Antonio Palacios and Visarath In of SPAWAR have just published a book in Springer’s Complexity Series, Symmetry in Complex Network Systems: Connecting Equivariant Bifurcation Theory with Engineering Applications. Dr. Palacios has been collaborating with SPAWAR for many years, and the work has resulted in numerous patents and products.
This book bridges the current gap between the theory of symmetry-based dynamics and its application to model and analyze complex systems. As an alternative approach, the authors use the symmetry of the system directly to formulate the appropriate models, and also to analyze the dynamics. Complex systems with symmetry arise in a wide variety of fields, including communication networks, molecular dynamics, manufacturing businesses, ecosystems, underwater vehicle dynamics, celestial and spacecraft dynamics and continuum mechanics.
The book is intended for a broad audience. For engineers who might be interested in applying ideas and methods from dynamical systems with symmetry and equivariant bifurcation theory to design and fabricate novel devices. For mathematicians and physicists who might be interested in translation research work to extrapolate fundamental research theorems into practical applications. And for scientists from STEM disciplines who might be interested in the interplay between theory and real-life applications from the general field of nonlinear science.